
DIAGONAL will be implemented through a coherent set of staff exchanges between the members of the consortium. DIAGONAL qualifies as a partnership with an international dimension: secondments will take place from European Member/Associated States to Third Countries, all between academic organizations. The secondments will allow to develop new collaborative works, to share scientific knowledge based on the development of scientific discussions, to exchange information, analytical and numerical models and the access to experimental resources.

Besides the development of new scientific progresses based on the synergistic cooperation planned in DIAGONAL, the other key point of the project is to develop clear mechanisms to transfer the knowledge obtained during the secondments to the sending organization.

A full detailed description of each secondment is provided here.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 1:

  • Researcher: Tiago dos Santos
  • Sending Organisation: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
  • Host Institution: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, José A. Rodríguez-Martínez and Guadalupe Vadillo
  • Duration: 2 weeks

Tiago dos Santos from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria spent two weeks in March 2023 visiting José Antonio Rodriguez and Guadalupe Vadillo from UC3M. They began collaborating on their joint work involving computational modeling of shock wave propagation in functionally graded porous metals.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 2:

  • Researcher: José A. Rodríguez-Martínez
  • Sending Organisation: University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)
  • Host Institution: University of Florida (UF), Oana Cazacu
  • Duration: 1 month

José A. Rodríguez-Martínez from UC3M was hosted by Prof. Oana Cazacu from the University of Florida for 1 month during July 2023. They have started a very promising collaboration on the investigation of plastic dissipation effects in dynamic shear localization of functionally graded material displaying tension/compression asymmetry!

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 3:

  • Researcher: Ajinkya Dusane
  • Sending Organisation: The IMT School for Advanced Studies Research
  • Host Institution: Northwestern University (NU), Q. Jane Wang
  • Duration: 21 weeks

Ajinkya Dusane, PhD student at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, spent almost 5 months at the Northwestern University (Evanston, Chicago, IL) in the Tribological-Interfacial Science and Engineering group led by Prof. Jane Q. Wang. He started a cooperation towards advanced modeling and simulation of coatings to protect components against fracture.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 4:

  • Researcher: Sofia Mogilevskaya
  • Sending Organisation: University Minnesota Twin Cities
  • Host Institution: Universidad de Sevilla, Vladislav Mantic, Israel García and José Reinoso
  • Duration: 2 weeks

Sofia Mogilevskaya spent 2 weeks visiting Vladislav Mantic (University of Seville) to conduct research involving the application of phase field methods to model fracture events occurring within the interphases of Functionally Graded Materials.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 5:

  • Researcher: José A. Rodríguez-Martínez
  • Sending Organisation: University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)
  • Host Institution: Texas A&M University, Ankit Srivastava
  • Duration: 8 weeks

Jose A. Rodriguez-Martinez is visiting Ankit Srivastava at Texas A&M to investigate dynamic localization and fracture of functionally graded materials subjected to dynamic loading.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 6:

  • Researcher: Guadalupe Vadillo
  • Sending Organisation: University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)
  • Host Institution: Texas A&M University, Ankit Srivastava
  • Duration: 3 weeks

Guadalupe Vadillo, from the University Carlos III of Madrid, visited Professor Ankit Srivastava at Texas A&M University for a three-week collaboration. Together with Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska from IPPT, they are now focused on modeling the behavior of porousmaterials under various loading conditions using crystal plasticity approach. Extending this investigation to include functionally graded materials could open up exciting possibilities.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 7:

  • Researcher: Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska
  • Sending Organisation: Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT)
  • Host Institution: Texas A&M University, Ankit Srivastava
  • Duration: 2 weeks

Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska from IPPT visited Professor Ankit Srivastava at Texas A&M University for two weeks. Together, they continued their research on modeling deformation and fracture in metal-ceramic nanolaminates using crystal plasticity. They're also studying how strain-induced microstructure changes affect material properties and plan to explore functionally graded materials to deepen their understanding of material behavior under various conditions.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 8:

  • Researcher: Ankit Srivastava
  • Sending Organisation: Texas A&M University
  • Host Institution: University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), José A Rodriguez-Martínez and Guadalupe Vadillo
  • Duration: 1 week

Ankit Srivastava spent a week in June 2024 visiting José Antonio Rodríguez and Guadalupe Vadillo at UC3M. They are currently focused on modeling the behavior of porous materials using a crystal plasticity approach and investigating dynamic localization and fracture under dynamic loading. This investigation is now being extended to functionally graded materials.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 10:

  • Researcher: Maria Herrera
  • Sending Organisation: Universidad de Sevilla (US)
  • Host Institution: University Minnesota Twin Cities (UMTC), Sofia Mogilevskaya and Joseph Labuz
  • Duration: 2 months

In June 2024, Dr. Maria A. Herrera from the University of Seville visited the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering at the University of Minnesota. During her two-month stay, she collaborated with Sofia Mogilevskaya and Joseph Labuz to develop models aimed at enhancing the understanding of functionally graded materials.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 11:

  • Researcher: Vladislav Mantic
  • Sending Organisation: Universidad de Sevilla (US)
  • Host Institution: University Minnesota Twin Cities (UMTC), Sofia Mogilevskaya and Joseph Labuz
  • Duration: 1 month

In July 2024, Professor Vladislav Mantic from the University of Seville visited the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities to collaborate with Sofia Mogilevskaya and Joseph Labuz. Together, they focused on combining their expertise to gain deeper insights into the behavior of functionally graded materials, with the goal of developing models to improve understanding of these materials.

Diagonalse. Secondements

Secondment 12:

  • Researcher: Caleb Foster
  • Sending Organisation: Texas A&M University (TAMU)
  • Host Institution: University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), José A. Rodríguez-Martínez
  • Duration: 6 weeks

In June 2024, PhD student Caleb Foster from Texas A&M University spent two months at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid working with José A. Rodríguez-Martínez. Their collaboration focused on computational procedures and numerical simulations of functionally graded materials under dynamic conditions.

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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges

Funded by the European Commission under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges. Grant Agreement n° 101086342